Enhancing Your Website Using Video
If you're not incorporating video on your website then you are contributing to loss of viewers. Think about your own web experiences. Are you more attracted to websites that contain video than those that don't?
It's a reality that needs to be dealt with. Video is an important component. Even if you aren't into videos yourself, many others are and studies back that information pretty strongly.

Don't Just Slap Up Any Ol' Video
If you are not experienced in creating videos or you have created a few in the past but they were thrown together by some software package, then you need to read this carefully. Crappy videos are worse than not having any videos at all! That statement is so important that I emphasized with bold, italics and underline.
Get Videos Done Professionally
Depending on what kind of video you want to have created, and the length of the video, it can get pretty expensive to have a video created. But if it increasing your return on investment (ROI) by keeping more visitors on your website and having them engaged with your content, is it really that much of an expense when looked at in that fashion?
You can expect to pay several hundred and even in some cases, thousands, to have videos created for you. But the truth is, I know of a service that does not charge that much but they still create high quality videos that you can use on your website. The service can be found at ProductionCaddy.com
Choose the specific industry you are in and contact them about getting a video made specific to your business. They charge a fraction of what other production companies charge but the quality is right up there.
I Have Taken Away Your Excuse...
You may have shied away from having a video created because you weren't aware of how to go about it or you simply thought it was too expensive. Well that all goes away starting now. ProductionCaddy.com is both affordable and they create quality work.
Another Advantage of Having Videos Created
There is another benefit to having a video created other than just putting it on your website - you can post these videos to video sharing sites like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. This will help you expand your reach with your audience. And here is a secret that many people are not aware of - in the description of YouTube (really the About section) you can include a link to your website. You just have to make sure the prefix "http://" is included with your domain name. Doing so will make it linkable.
Get Your Video Production Today
ProductionCaddy.com has developed a unique system in creating videos. They are able to create professional videos in the fraction of the time that it takes others to do. This translates to cost savings. And they pass those cost savings onto you. This means that if you've been putting off having a video created for you website, because you thought it was too expensive, that is no longer an issue.