My Review of Kindle Profit Maximizer
Kindle Profit Maximizer claims to be able to build huge streams of income by following 9 steps.
I did not buy this product. I did not need to. There were too many red flags involved with the sales page and that is what this review is about.
BY Jim Cochrane, September 21, 2015 11:57 AM
Review Summary
Product Name:
Kindle Profit Maximizer
Product Type:
$7+ (Dimesale)
I have found too many discrepancies contained within the sales page to feel comfortable with buying or recommending this product.
Not Recommended!
The sales process is largely about integrity, which means information provided in a sales page should be accurate and avoid trying to be deceptive. That is not the case with the sales page for Kindle Profit Maximizer. I guess the product creators thought that nobody would check. But that is what I do!
I will reveal to you my findings regarding this product and why I think they are trying to deceive you. The problem with selling information about how to sell more books on Kindle is that you should be able to do that yourself before writing about it. The authors have not shown that to be the case.
Red Flag #1 - Ranking of Product Creators' Books
Evaluating Kindle or book related products that claim to show you how to sell more books is actually rather easy. Why? Because Amazon gives you an indication of book sales for any author. So it is only natural to believe that product creators that are claiming to teach you how to increase you book sales should have great book sales of their own.
Unfortunately, that is not the case for this product. The two product creators, along with their Amazon author pages are as shown on the right ->
Take a look at each of these authors' pages. What you will notice is that none of the books published are bestsellers or even doing very well. They may be making some sales but not nearly as much as is claimed by the sales page.
Further, there aren't that many books published. One of the guys, Srijan, has only one book published. If he had the "secret, magic formula" for becoming a bestselling author, don't you think he'd have way more books? On the plus side, the book does have all positive reviews, although it's quite easy to buy positive reviews these days.
Vicky has more books published, but none of them are ranking well. If he has methods that are supposed to get more sales for Kindle books, shouldn't he be using them himself? Just saying...
Red Flag #2 - Earnings Proof Suspicious
The product creators are trying to make a case for bringing in 1200+ sales in a month. But pay attention to the month in question. It shows for November 2014.
Now take a look at what is supposed to be one of the books the product creators applied their methods to. If you look up the book using the ASIN number listed, the book doesn't even exist. But take a look at the date the book was published, July 13, 2015. How does that fall within the November 2014 time frame? It doesn't stop there.
As you can see, this is yet a different book. This one does exist but is not that of either author. The last name of the author of this book is the same as that of on of the authors so perhaps it is his brother? If you look at the stats of even this book, they are nowhere near as good as what is shown in the picture above.
Actual Stats from
As you can see, this book has a rank of#695,552 in Kindle store. This is a far cry from the #4,677 number that product creators would like you to believe is the real number.
It is the middle of September 2015 as I write this review. The book was published in July. We are given no indication of when the above report was run. So it could be argued that perhaps sales fell from July to September. Maybe. But that would represent a huge drop in sales. This book is supposed to be how to increase sales.
Don't These Guys Realize that Statistics on Kindle Books are Readily Available?
I don't believe I need to continue on with this review other than to say that there is a lot to be wary about when considering this product. If you have already purchased it and the time that you purchased is before 30 days, you can still get your money back.
If you haven't purchased and are still considering it even after reading this review, well, you've been warned!
Obviously, I can only speak to what is written in the sales page as that is what gave me the clues that this is not a product that I'd want to buy or sell to others. It is full of deception and does not measure up with respect to real world advice. If it did, the authors' books would be much more successful.
I did not buy this product to review it but the sales pages led me to believe that it is not a good product and uses deception to try and sell it. My advice to you is to steer clear from this product.
The Good Stuff:
- None
The Bad Stuff:
- Deceptive sales letter
- Discrepancies surrounding being best selling authors.
- Discrepancies concerning the sales and rank data presented