Wealthy Affiliate Review

Program: Wealthy Affiliate University
Price: $0 Starter Membership, Tiered Premium Memberships
Description: Wealthy Affiliate is a community-supported, learning based environment that shows people how to create an online business capable of earning real income.
Note: Due to a change in strategy for my website, Get Paid Boot Camp is using the Wealthy Affiliate service primarily for hosting. Please see my review of the hosting offered by Wealthy Affiliate.
You should know that I still feel the Wealthy Affiliate program can offer value to people looking to learn about starting an affiliate business. But my strategic initiatives led me to reevaluation many of my recommendations, not just Wealthy Affiliate.
Since I am using Wealthy Affiliate for hosting, which I believe is solid, and since I am not using the service for other purposes, i.e., training, etc., I felt that it wasn't right to promote the part of the service that I am not really taking advantage of, any more.
Having said this, to take advantage of the hosting at Wealthy Affiliate, you would need to sign up for one of the paid services, which includes the training and several other services.
Full Disclosure: on occasion, I will view a new training module when it seems relevant to features that I am using for my business. I will also participate in a few of the forum discussion on Wealthy Affiliate and give advice when applicable.
It may seem like semantics that I am promoting Wealthy Affiliate for the hosting and not for the other services, but I don't agree. When you pay for cloud services, you are likely not to use every service available. Yet, some people may promote a subset of the services because they found those services to be useful. They may know nothing about the other services the cloud provider offers.
You may also read my review on hosting with Wealthy Affiliate and if it convinces you to sign up, you may be inclined to use more of the services at Wealthy Affiliate, like the training. But the premise of why you signed up will have remained that you are looking for hosting, and I have had great experiences with that aspect of the service.
I am revamping my website to reflect these changes, but there may be other reviews that I have not altered yet. Therefore, you may see that some reviews are still promoting the benefits of the Wealthy Affiliate service. I can assure you there are no nefarious motivations. It's just a timing issue.
If you are looking for quality hosting, check out my review on the topic.