3 Must Have Blogging Resources
If you had to pinpoint 3 must have blogging resources, they would be as follows:
- A Blog (Obvious)
- Content
- Promotion
I'll discuss each of these in detail below. Keep in mind, there may be other components, but they are supplemental.
Component #1 - A Blog
This is in no way me trying to be pedantic here and yes, it's obvious you need a blog to start blogging. However, there are some nuances to be aware of.
First, are you going to use a free blogging resource? That's fine. You just have to be aware that you have no control.
For instance, if you sign up for a WordPress.com blog, they discourage the use of affiliate links. Rules change all the time on these platforms. You can be making money one day, and then they change the rules so that what you are doing is no longer compliant.
Some platforms will be gracious enough to let you know what you what you did wrong and give you enough time to correct it. Others, won't even tell you why you are not compliant. Case in point, Squidoo.com, which now no longer exists, clobbered a bunch of lenses (what they called articles or pages) for non-compliance. They refused to let people know why. No wonder the idiots no longer exist!
People were making life-changing incomes on this platform. At the flip of a switch, those income streams dried up. It was a nasty thing to do. But, you should heed the advice that you have no control when you use platforms such as these.
These platforms can still be useful, however. They can be used to publish articles as they relate to your blog. I'll get more into this later.
Component #2 - Content
There are millions of blogs in existence today. Most of them contain very little content, if you can believe that. For some, this is by design. They are sales pages or lead capture pages that they drive traffic to. It's the only purpose of these particular websites.

For others though, people create the blogs and then let them sit idle. This happens for a number of reasons, the primary one being they don't have the time.
If you plan on blogging, make sure you publish a steady stream of content. This is the most important element of blogging. Just think about blogs you have visited. Do you appreciate blogs that are idle, or do you prefer ones that have quality content on a consistent basis? I am guessing you'd pick the latter. Consistent, quality content is the key to any blog's success!
I get that you are busy. This is understandable. But, visitors don't care about that. They want information. They want answers to their problems. They want to be engaged.
If you don't have time, find someone who does. Get someone else to write for your blog. You can look for guest bloggers who will write for free (in exchange for a byline) or you can hire writers to create content or you.
Don't limit yourself to written content. Visitors are more demanding about how they consume content nowadays. Add visual and audio components into the mix. Video continues to grow in importance.
If you have never created a video before, or if you tried and it looked like something produced by a 3-year-old, consider hiring a pro. It may cost you some money but the rewards will be worth the price.
Component #3 - Promotion
A blog will do you little good if no one knows about it. You need to get the word out. You need good promotional techniques.
Social media is a great means for promotion, but you need to be smart about it. Flooding these social channels with messages of "buy my stuff" will not work. It's not the right kind of platform or it. People use social media for connecting with others. Keep the social aspect intact.
The learning curve for promoting your website is large. The challenge is that the landscape keeps changing. What worked a few years ago, will no longer work now. What's worse, it could even cause penalties in the search engines. You will need to stay on top of the promotional techniques to make sure you keep with the current trends.
Stay away from tricks and easy-money types of techniques. These may work in the short-term. But, over time, they are the techniques that will get you in trouble. Sometimes, it can even be legal trouble if you're not careful.