How Can You Get Paid For Blogging?
How can you get paid for blogging? It's a question that people constantly ask.
Personally, I think it is a lack of belief that it's even possible to get paid. Many people mistakenly believe that you have to have a highly popular blog to make it happen.
Not True.
It helps, to be sure. But plenty of people are making money with their blogs and they are not big names. Sometimes, it's simply a matter of finding an under-served market and providing value. Do this, and your blog will become an authority in no-time flat!
Disclaimer: Site owner may receive a commission resulting from sales generated from links or banners on this website.
How Bloggers Get Paid

What are the ways bloggers can get paid? I'll cover what they are as well as give you an overview of how those methods work.
- Advertising
- Joint Ventures
- Affiliate Marketing
- Other Bloggers Posts
- Memberships
- Ecommerce
- Newsletters and Email Opt-in
There certainly may be ones not listed here, but these are the major ways bloggers make money with their blogs.
This method used to be much more effective. Ad network providers like Google and Bing give you a code to place on your blog. When a visitor comes and clicks on that code, you would get a part of the revenue from that click.
Savvy web users have become blind to these types of ads and as such they cannot be relied upon to consistently return a profit for your blog.
There are many high-profile bloggers that can still generate decent amounts of cash from this form of advertising.
There are also other types of ad networks that broker deals between bloggers and others who want to display banner ads on their blogs. The same problem of ad blindness has made this form not as effective as it once was.
Joint Ventures

Bloggers get together to market each others' products. If you have a large following of people and you know another blogger who does as well, you can cross promote.
This has gotten out-of-hand over the past couple of years and people are getting bombarded with one offer after another. Bloggers who participate in this kind of practice have lost sight of what the purpose of their blog is. It ends up becoming a massive selling blog.
There is a time and a place for selling, after all that is one valid method bloggers use to make money with their blogs. But if that is your only focus, you are going to alienate people over time.
Affiliate Marketing

This is one of the best methods of making money for bloggers. Essentially, you sell products of big name vendors such as WalMart, Target, or individual product vendors. They take care of all the details of selling and fulfillment. You just send them traffic. If a visitor buys using your link, you get a commission.
While this is a great way to make money on your blog, it takes time and knowledge on how to set your blog up properly. Newcomers make the mistake of throwing up a bunch of affiliate banners and links and then are confused as to why they are not making any sales. There are skills that can be used to make it happen.
Other Bloggers Posts

Sometimes other bloggers will contact you asking if they can pay you to post on your blog. Typically, this will only happen if your blog is well-known.
If you are just starting out, no one is going to reach out due to your blog has no exposure. But, it still does happen and when your blog grows, don't be surprised if other bloggers reach out to you.
A variation on this are paid blogging networks where you sign up and submit your blog. On the other end of the transaction is someone who wants you to create a post on your blog but with a link to their website or product. They pay you an agreed upon amount for this privilege.
In either of these two scenarios, make sure the content that you post on your blog is relevant to your niche. If you don't, it may be flagged by search engines as being advertising. In general, advertising is not bad. If it is disproportionate to your content, that is when it can cause problems for you.

If you have enough content to create a membership program, it is something you should seriously consider. You have the potential to bring in many members willing to pay you consistently every month or quarter, depending on how you set up the program.
The content you provide for a membership program has to be wickedly useful. Otherwise, members will unsubscribe. Done right, this can be a great way to generate passive income.
Another great aspect of a membership program is you can use the proceeds from the membership to outsource the creation of the content that is part of the membership. This makes it almost a hands-free operation. You just need to oversee the content that does get created to ensure its quality.

I use this term loosely to describe any type of product that sold on your blog. This could be a formal shopping cart arrangement where customer can fill the cart up with multiple products. They then checkout and pay. You will ship the product to them.
Alternatively, it could be a single product such as an eBook. You set up your payment in such a way that they can receive the eBook immediately after payment.
Whatever the product sold, if it is done via your blog, this is considered an eCommerce solution.
Newsletters and Email Opt-In

This can be similar to a membership but does not have to be. You can load up your autoresponder with several months of content and then whoever opts-in, will receive updates every month.
Several bloggers have multiple lists. They may use one list to lure people into their sales funnel (channel) and when they become buyers they get placed on yet another list that is special to paying customers.
Newsletters can be a formal layout or it can simply be a form within your autoresponder service. Many bloggers will provide an excerpt within the email portion and include links to content on their blogs for members to get more information. This has the benefit of driving consistent traffic to their blogs each time a new sequence or email is sent.
What Will it Take For YOU to Make Money?
The methods discussed above are used by many bloggers to make money. So, does this mean you can pick one and expect to start earning?

It's possible for anyone to start a blog and immediately have it earn money for them. The likelihood of that happen quickly is low. Many of the top bloggers have put several months and even years before they started earning money. These early adopters didn't have a whole lot in the way of training, etc. They were the pioneers.
But their journey is good news for you. By following what they have done, you can cut the learning curve for this business down. It is possible by doing everything right from the start, you can earn money relatively soon.
You will still need to learn, but you can do it in a systematic way that doesn't involve trial-and-error. You'll spend less because of this and you'll be much further along in the process.
Start with the Easy Methods
As discussed, advertising has become increasing difficult to make money on your blog. It's competitive and web users don't react to it the same as they used to. It can still be done, but it's an uphill battle.
Newsletters, memberships and email opt-ins are quite viable. But, these take some time and knowledge to implement. Plus, you need to have great content in place. If you are new, creating great content in the beginning will be challenging.
Ecommerce has a lot of overhead. You need to create some method of offering your products such as a shopping cart or But It Now button, etc. Then you have the situation where you have to fulfill the orders, collect payments and ship the products.
Amazon does have a program called Fullfillment By Amazon (FBA) where you send them your products and shipping materials and they handle everything for you. It even gets sold on their website so there is not order processing. This can be a good alternative to doing everything yourself.
When you are posting for others, don't expect to make much money, especially when first starting out. If your website is not well known, you won't get too many offers or they will be for very little money. They are going to want you to write about their products and services on your website. This can be a problem if it has nothing to do with your website. Relevancy is quite important for your readers as well as search engines.
Newsletters, email opt-ins and memberships are great and you should consider them. But they may not be the easiest form of earning money online. You will need to convince members to sign up. This is usually easier when the membership is free but even that has become more difficult.
As you may have guessed, I advocate the affiliate model for online business. It's super easy to get it set up, although it does require some knowledge (more on this below). You need to set up a website but I can show you how to do that for free.
You also need to learn how to create content in such a way that will target the right kind of people. It's one thing to get traffic to your website. It's another entirely to get the kind of traffic that will be into what you are create content for.
Why is an affiliate business best to start with? Because you don't have the same kind of constraints that you do with the other business models. You don't have to source products or set up order pages. You don't have to worry about payments. You simply provide quality content and then send readers to the vendors pages. The vendors handle all of it for you.
The only thing you need to worry about is how to spend the money you make!
Steps to Create an Affiliate Business
1. Take a course on affiliate marketing. You can get started with that here. Once you are signed up, you will see a button in your dashboard that looks like this (left-hand side of your dashboard):

Note: When you first start out, the button will show your Progress as Course 1, Lesson 1
2. Set up a free website. You can find that here -->
3. Start implementing the steps from your training. By the end of that training you will have a fully working website ready to start earning you money!
4. Sign up to my newsletter (below) for weekly tips on how to optimize your business for the greatest chances of success!
5. Use the comment section below to ask me any questions you may have. When you sign up for your free training, I will also contact you on how I can best help you in your business.
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