How to Get Paid From Your Blogs

Do you want to know how to get paid from your blogs? There are thousands upon thousands of blogs in existence but the truth is most people don't know how to set them up right to get paid. This post is going to change that for you. Essentially, this will be a high level road map on the entire process.
I am trying a bit of an experiment with this post. I am going to describe a process that is very successful for many to get paid from their blogs. But instead of going into all the finer details of the process, as that would bloat this post, I am going to describe the process at a somewhat high level.
At the end of this post, I will ask whether you would like me to create a video tutorial on the process and to leave your email so that I can alert you when it's ready. If I get enough interest, I will create the video training and alert all those expressed interest via email.
Getting paid from your blogs boils down to these factors:
- Find the Right Kind of Market, a.k.a. Niche
- Target the Right Keywords that Attract Buyers
- Find Products to Sell
- Obtain Your Website and Set It Up With Your Hosting Company
- Install WordPress on Your Website
- Writing Great Content Capable of Driving Traffic
- Set up Your Website To Accept Leads and Build Your List
- Get Paid From Your List
- Social Media Traffic
This is not an exhaustive list but by following these series of steps, you will be well on your way to getting paid from your efforts.
Let's take a look at each item in further detail:
Find the Right Kind of Market
What do I mean by the right kind of market? You want to find a market (niche) that is popular enough to profit from but not too popular so as to be overly competitive.
While that can be easier said than done, the key is to narrow the focus of your niche. As example, suppose you are into fishing. This would clearly be too competitive as can be gauged by doing a simple Google search and seeing how many results are returned.
This is a very crude method of determining how much competition exists for a particular market but it's a good starting point.
Target the Right Keywords that Attracts Buyers
Many bloggers get keyword research wrong. They find keywords that seemingly have low competition and good search volume and target that keyword only to find that they get some traffic but often no buyers.
You need to be able to choose keywords that searches used when they are at the buying stage, not the tire kickers or freebie seekers.
It's always better to get 100 people that are ready, willing, and able to buy than 10,000 people that could be a crap shoot.
Find Products to Sell
This boils down to figuring out the best products to sell. There are many techniques that can help you determine the demand of many the products and there are even ways to tell which demographic groups to go after for those products.
If you start to approach your product selection with these key factors, your chances of selling will increase dramatically.
Obtain Your Website and Set It Up With Your Hosting Company
You want to obtain a domain name that is related to your niche. This can be done at places like or After you secure your domain name, you'll need to find hosting (,, etc.)
If you leave your email at the end of this post, I will send you a way to get a domain and hosting for free!
Install WordPress on Your Website
While this is not difficult to do, there are some preliminary measures to perform to make sure that your website is compliant with the law as well as ready to start earning money. You also will need to learn why you shouldn't load up your WordPress site with a whole bunch of extra functionality.
The Training Videos will show you exactly how to properly set up your WordPress installation!
Writing Great Content Capable of Driving Traffic to Your Website
Bloggers are erroneously advised to constantly create content for their blogs. This used to be the correct way to go about blogging several years ago.
Back then, you wrote anything you could think of just to get as much content onto your blog. If you do that today, your website will get ignored or worse, penalized by the search engines.
The problem is web users are much more sophisticated these days. They want answers and they want websites to be relevant to topics they are searching for.
If you have a website about fishing and you start talking about how your kid made the honor role, you are going to lose visitors quicker than multiplying rabbits.
Your topics should always be related to the what your niche is about. While it is possible to create a personal blog, post topics about any old topic, and still be successful. But this is getting much harder to do. If your website is about a specific market, keep it tightly focused to that market.
Also, make sure what you create as far as content is concerned is the best you can do. Don't just create a blog post for the sake of having something that you can post. Create a post that people will find useful and relevant.
Gone are the days of posting as much content to your website and seeing what sticks!
Set Up Your Website to Accept Leads and Build Your List
When you first start your blog, it will not get much traffic just due to the fact that it is unknown. However, if you do create excellent content and do so frequently, people will start to read your blog and your traffic will grow.
Never Miss an Opportunity to Capture Leads or Ask for an Email
Get Paid From Your List
There are several ways to get paid from your list. But the one thing you want to avoid is to bombard them with offer after offer. This can work in the short term. But in the long term your unsubscribe rate will continue to increase. This is counter intuitive to the purpose of having a list.
You want to develop a trust with your list. You want to make it such that when you eventually do send them some kind of offer (affiliate link, product purchase, etc.) they will have little reservation buying from you because they know you.
This is done by adding extreme value to your list. Give lots of your best content to your trusted list and give it to them for free. Do this way more than the offers that you send.
A Well Trusted Email List Can Provide a Lifetime of Recurring Buyers!
Social Media Traffic
I am amazed how often bloggers skip over taking advantage of sharing their posts on social media. Since after reading this post, your new goal is to create fantastic content (you are going to do that now, no?) you should share it to the world.
In fact, if many of your friends find out you didn't share this fantastic morsel of information with them, they will get upset with you!
Want a Video Tutorial?
Please note: the video tutorial will only be created if there is enough interest. The only way I can alert you when it's ready is to leave a valid email in the form at the right ->
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