Top 10 Tips to Increase Social Media Traffic

Use the following 10 tips to increase social media traffic. This is a four part series that begins with basic tips that you should use to increase the reach from your social media efforts.

What Does Social Media Have to Do With Getting Paid?

As this is a website about helping my loyal followers find the right programs to get paid online, it may seem like this topic doesn't really fit in with that overall theme. But in reality, any increase in social media activity has the potential to help when you apply that toward your programs geared towards getting you paid.​

Here Are the Top 10 Tips...​

What’s your social media goal? If you don’t know where you want to go, it’s pretty hard to get there.

Promote your most popular posts – and that goes for blog posts as well as social media posts.

If you hate tracking, at least track with Facebook Insights. It’ll show you a lot about your Page progress.

How do you get the conversation going on social media? Try humor and controversy. They’re very powerful. Humor is better for longer term relationships, however.

Social media is a powerful thing, but never mistake fooling around with being productive. Stay focused!

Click FB Insights’ “Posts>When Your Fans are Online” to see your audience’s peak posting times. (Post during these times!)

Look for questions repeated over and over on your chosen social networks. Provide the definitive answer.

Analyze your own tweets. Which types got most retweeting? Most Interaction? Questions, graphics or ?

Don’t be shy with your social media presence. Go for it – but be authentic – and be social!

Still trying to be everyone’s “friend”? Each connection counts – and speaks loudly about who you are to your other connections.

Have a Tip You'd Like to Share?

Hey, do you have a social media tip that has worked for you and you'd love to let others know about it? Simply leave the tip in the comment. It may even be included in the next list of social media tips along with a back link to your website (if you have one).


Hi, my name is Jim. I am here to help you learn how to create your own online business. Never before has it been as easy as it is to do so. I will give you access to the necessary training to make it all happen. Just follow the training and perform the tasks as the come up and at the end of the training you will have a fully working framework with which to start earning money from your online business.

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