Imagine Getting Paid to View YouTube Videos

Please Note: BankQuest is no longer in service as of 11/3/2014. I am not sure what happened to them and when searching online I found nothing. Please disregard this post as you will not be able to take advantage of it.

It may be difficult to imagine getting paid to watch YouTube videos. But it's true. You can get paid.

Here is the link mentioned:

How Much Does It Pay?

As you can well imagine, it doesn't pay much. But if you are in the habit of viewing YouTube videos, why not take advantage of this? In the long run it builds up pretty nicely.​ Besides, think about how much you get paid for viewing YouTube videos now. If it is nothing, than this is definitely something you will want to check out.

How Does It Work?

There is a service called BankQuest that gives its members opportunities to earn money from all kinds of activities, viewing YouTube videos being one of those activities. They make their money from displaying advertising to you. You simply sign up (for free) and then start using the internet through their service. So for YouTube videos, you simply go to the section of their website where you can search for YouTube videos and plays through their website.  When the video is complete, you get credited with a certain number of points. Those points add up to cash payouts (usually via store rewards cards).​

What's the Catch?

In a word, there is no catch. Since BankQuest is making its money on showing you advertising, there is nothing you need to buy in order to get paid. They do have offers where you can buy stuff if you are in the market for certain products or services. And because you will receive points from buying through them, it's like getting a nice discount on the products that you buy.​

Help Others to Get Paid While Viewing YouTube Videos

BankQuest has a referral program where you get paid 8% on their activity for as long as you both remain members. This kind of program is a kind of multiplier to your earnings. Here are some possible payouts:

Imaging when those numbers start getting into the hundreds of referrals or even thousands. You can see how this can really add up quick.

An Easy Sell

Since there is no cost to join and the incentives are amazing, this will not be a tough sell to anyone. Why on earth would anyone not take advantage of this? It's free cash!​ For doing activities that you do anyway. Plus you earn on what others do. That's a key concept as to why this is one of the better of these types of programs.

This is a Top Rated Program is a website that shows you programs that you can actually get paid from. BankQuest is one of the best in its class. We rated the highest rating given, i.e., 5 Thumbs Up! If you want a great program where you can get paid for such things as viewing YouTube videos, why not get started now by clicking on the link below!​


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