It’s Nice to Share! Or Is It? ShareMagnet Review


Cost: $0

Summary: should not be looked upon as being a scam but don't expect much from the service. There are plenty of other places where you can get much more for money for the effort.

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The concept behind this website is you get paid to share. What do you share? You share what other members post to the website. You will be given a list of posts that have payouts associated with them. If you share those posts on your social media channels and they get clicked on, you get the amount specified.


This is an easy way to make a little money. If you get enough shares and the payout amount is big enough, you can earn a decent amount.


The payout amounts listed are usually quite small.

You are essentially sharing advertising on your social media channels. Not everyone of your fans/friends are going to appreciate this, especially the more you do it.

Don't expect to retire from a program such as this.​

What You Get

The concept is appealing. Advertisers bid for their content (products and services) to be shared. They specify the amount. If you share it and one of your followers clicks on it, you get the bid amount. Seems simple, no?

Cents on the Dollar

If you are wondering how much you can get paid, you are looking at cents on the dollar. Some offers will give you 20 cents while others will be much less than that.

The appeal is if you have a large following and you know many will click, the money multiplier kicks in. That's where you could theoretically make a fair amount of money.

The problem is, no one on social media wants to be sold to. So if you do this often enough, you can expect your following to dwindle. People will catch on to the fact you are sharing or the sole purpose of getting paid. Shame on you!

You're Brand Is at Stake

Even if you aren't selling anything, your reputation matters in social media. Get a bad reputation, and it's going to be difficult to recover from that. Being overly promotional is going to give you a bad reputation. It's almost a guarantee.

Therefore, you should think twice about trying to make any significant money with this program. It should be used sparingly and that defeats its purpose.

No Indication of Referral Program

Many programs of this nature offer the ability to recruit others and get a portion of their activity, in this case clicks. This gives members incentive to convince others to join. It can also lead to higher earnings as you are piggybacking off the efforts of others and you don't have to worry about negative aspects on your social media, because the referrals are the ones doing the sharing.

There is no indication that ShareMagnets has a referral program. This means that the only way to earn is to share for the clicks.


In 2014, one report on shows how the company does not pay. There are some other reports floating around stating that the company does not always credit for the right amount of clicks. In other words, if you get 20 clicks, they will credit your account for 15, etc.

Bottom Line

ShareMagnets is not a scam, although if the complaints listed above are substantiated, it should probably downgraded to a scam. The bottom line is you will not make a lot of money with this company. Simply stated, there are much better ways to make money online.

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