Valentine’s Day Payday

​When trying to get paid online, people forget about the holidays until it’s too late. I write this at the end of January 2018, and admittedly, I am not following my own advice in writing a timely post about Valentine’s Day. It may be too late! I’m okay with that and I believe there may still […]

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What Is the Ideal Length of a Blog Post?

Blog Post

​I’ve stopped counting the number of times I have seen the following question asked​:​What is the ideal length of a blog post? It’s a valid question, though. And likely to elicit different answers depending on whom you talk to.The point is no one can say truly what the length should be because it depends on […]

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2020 Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate – Summary & Overview​Name: Wealthy AffiliateOwners: Kyle & CarsonWebsite: https://www.WealthyAffiliate.comRATINGS:​Website Hosting: 4.80 out of 5.00Price: Starter Account (FREE), Premium Account $49/Month, $234 for 6-Months, $359 Per Year ​OverviewWealthy Affiliate is a training program to learn affiliate marketing. You can learn foundational information with Wealthy Affiliate. Update: January 2020 – I have been less focused […]

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Can You Make Money Investing in Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Schematic

​There’s not a day that goes buy that you don’t hear at least one reference to ​bitcoin. In case you have been held in isolation for any length of time, Bitcoin is what many are calling a cryptocurrency.​While there is some truth to this, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Bitcoin is more of an […]

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Review of Win New Customers by Jean Ginzburg

The review of the Amazon book, Win New Customers, is mixed. You may find it is right for you when you consider the provisions outlined in this review! It is well-written.

However, as you will read in this review, it may not be right for everyone. It depends on what you are looking for and what kind of budget you have.

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