Success Begets Success

There should be no doubt in your mind that success begets success. When you follow the lead of people who are successful, it's almost a given that you will succeed too. If you need help and you have access to a team of successful people who are willing to help, this can only lead to positive results.
The big question is, how do you find successful people to follow? The internet is full of scammers and hucksters; it's truly a challenge to not get taken by one of them.
I can help you navigate the tricky waters of the internet and guide you to a team of successful people online.
Before I go there however, what is it you want to be successful in? If you are looking to be a successful car mechanic and you are looking to me for guidance, I can tell you you're barking up the wrong tree.
This article is about how to be successful in your online business and blogging effort.
Making money as a blogger has come of age and is no longer looked upon as a hobby. Although some people will use blogging as a hobby, if you are serious about making money through blogging, this is where I can step in and guide you.
How I Can Help
I am going to introduce you to a community of successful bloggers. I too am part of this community and have helped several people over the years and I can do the same for you. The community is dedicated for bloggers helping each other out in the quest to create successful online businesses.
It Takes Work
I want to take a step back before getting you started and caution that it takes a lot of work to run a blog. It's more competitive than it used to be (well sort of - I'll explain below) and you will have serious disappointments. But the success community, we can help you get through it.
Please note: the community of which I am referring to has nothing to do with network marketing (or MLM). There is no requirement to recruit people into the community (although you can if you choose and get paid for it). Plenty of members make serious incomes without ever recruiting a single person!
Has Blogging Become Too Competitive?
The short answer is yes and no. There are certainly many blogs in existence with many more being added on a daily basis. With this information alone, you may be tempted to believe that the market for blogging is too saturated.
The real truth is that most of the blogs that are being created are junk or are being set up incorrectly and will never make any money. These wannabe bloggers are going to start up with excitement only to flash out and burn. So while there are many blogs in existence, most won't continue to exist (or will sit in a state of limbo forevermore). So in essence, blogging is much less competitive than people realize.
This is good news for people that want to get started with blogging (and are willing to put in the time and effort required).
Here is another reason why you should not worry so much about competition: internet usage continues to grow exponentially. A look at the following table reveals this:

Source: Internet World Stats
Success Begets Success
Okay, so let's get back to how successful people can be of help to your new blogging business. The short of it is that they have been successful in making their blogs earn the money. Secondly, they initially joined the network of other successful bloggers with the intent of getting help when they first started. Now that they have seen success, they are willing to give back to others (you)!
No More Excuses
If you have been hesitating with getting started with a blog because you were unsure how to get started there is no better time to get started than now. You have within your reach a network of thousands (literally) of people that are available to help you on a moment's notice.
What Kind of Blog Should You Create?
That's really up to you but within the network, there extensive training on how to choose the type of bog you want to start as well as how to optimally set it up in a way that has the most potential for earning income.
Are There Any Costs Involved?
Blogs can be set up with little to no costs. In fact, my first piece of advice is to do everything at the start for free. As you become a more proficient blogger, you can use your earnings to purchase some useful tools when it makes sense to do so.
What is this Community of Successful Bloggers?
Finally, I get to share with you the community that I belong to that has helped me and countless others run a successful blog. Plus, now that I have had my own success, I pass along any tips that I have learned to help those that need it. The community of which I am referring to is called:
When you join Wealthy Affiliate (WA) or Wealthy Affiliate University (WAU), you immediately get access to that community of successful bloggers. Obviously, there will be members who have just recently joined who are not yet successful. Those members will not be of much help yet to new members (such as yourself). That's okay because there are so many more members that are available to help you when you get started (myself included).
What to Do Next
It's time for some action on your part. Here are the exact steps to take to ensure the highest probability of success when starting (and running) your blog.
Step 1
Sign Up for My Newsletter
I believe in delivering value and I offer many tips that can help you towards your goals of running a successful blog. I report on programs and solutions that can help you be successful as well as help you try to avoid scams (I report on them too!)
Enter in a valid email here:
Step 2
Read More About Wealthy Affiliate University
I created a page that describes the great benefits of Wealthy Affiliate. Instead of repeating it all here, I will simply include the link for you to check out.
After you read about WAU, don't forget to sign up. That's the only way you can access the community!
Step 3
Take Action!
All the training and tools in the world, no matter how useful, are going to be worthless unless you decide to take action. While no guarantees about success can be made, one thing is certain, you won't succeed if you don't take action.