People have been asking lately, why is it difficult finding work after 50? I see it all the time in forums and blogs. I see it of my fellow members within Wealthy Affiliate on their profiles. The truth is companies want younger (and less expensive) workers.
I know you may be thinking to yourself that it is illegal to discriminate based on age. However, it is very easy for companies to use just about any excuse other than age as to why they don't want to hire someone over the age of 50.
It is Short Sighted on the Part of Companies
My take is that it is extremely short sighted on the part of companies. That knowledge that an older employee has accumulated is worth more than companies value it. Sure, they may be getting what they think is a bargain in hiring younger workers, it will take many years for those inexperienced workers to gain the knowledge that older workers possess.
What Can Be Done?
Prior to the internet there wasn't much someone over the age of 50 could do other than start a traditional brick-and-mortar type of business. Today that is all changed. The power is within anyone's reach to earn income on online. Just about any skill can be offered on the internet. The chances that people are looking for what you offered is pretty high.
Offering services is not the only thing that can be done on the internet to earn money. It has become easier than ever to start up an online business with the capability to earn a decent life sustaining income.
Not Everyone Succeeds
Unfortunately, most people that start up an online business are not familiar with the techniques needed to make it successful. It's not that it's overly difficult, it's just that there are correct ways to go about it. My advice to anyone going down this road is to learn it the right way.
I can help you learn the right way to start an online business.
The way I can help you is I will work with you (one on one, if necessary) to help you figure which market to tackle. Then after you determine that, I will help you set up a website that is geared towards earning money within your market, a.k.a. niche.
The great part is, at any point in the process you feel stuck, you simply reach out to me and ask whatever questions you may have. And if I can't answer, I can reach out to my network to someone who can.
What This is Not
Just to be clear, this has nothing to do with network marketing or multilevel marketing. These types of schemes often require you to pay hefty monthly fees. What I am proposing you never have to spend a dime to learn how to do this.
"What I am proposing you never have to spend a dime to learn how to do this."
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What If You Can't Find a Niche?
The techniques that I teach you for finding the right niche are quite effective so it would surprise me if I was not able to teach you how to find a market you would excel with. But I also can show you how to build up an affiliate marketing business that helps others do the same.
Many people will actually build an outside niche (fishing, ice skating, etc.) and also build out website that teaches others how to do all this. While I wouldn't suggesting starting out that way (stick with one market initially until you learn how) this is certainly feasible and common.
Your Age is No Longer a Limiting Factor
The beauty of the techniques I teach you is that it gives you more options with respect to earning money where you won't have to depend on the whims of large corporations. Let them continue on their idiotic downsizing efforts. By taking matters into your own hands you hold the power to ignore whatever negatives they happen to come up with.
Use the sign up form below and I will send you information on how to get started in creating a life sustaining income with my help:
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