10 Best Creative Websites for March 2015

This list should help to boost your creativity. Be forewarned: you can get lost in some of them. Still, it's good to get some inspiration.
Note: This is part of a series. Here is what I have so far:
- October 2014
- March 2015 (This one)
The websites showcased are obviously based on my own opinion and you may not necessarily agree with them all. But my plan is to update this on a monthly basis.
The last update was in October 2014 - so I've been a bit of a slacker in that regard! :)
Feel free to bookmark this page so that you can refer to it when you need inspiration. I think you'll find these resources fun to use and very useful in whatever kind of creative outlet you participate in. When there are more updates, I'll put them all in a list so that you can refer to past ones as well.
Note that some of the resources listed are just one pagers. But in most of the cases the information contained on those pages is worth listing here.

Here is the blog post that was transformed into a SlideShare slideshow.
Here's the video version of the blog:
#1 - Easy Street Prompts
This is a great resource if you are a writer or even if you are looking to create a video of some sort. It should easily spark a thread in your creativity machine. You'll find some really weird stuff here but that's okay.
#2 - Springwise
This is more for the entrepreneurial person. It's claim is that it scans the globe for innovative business ventures. The Idea Database categorizes all of the ideas for you to hone in on your industry or niche.
#3 - Coffitivity
The site is set up like a virtual cafe where the "coffee" is a metaphor for an app that helps you boost creativity. Since it's an app you can hit it up anytime you need that boost. Heck, any reference to coffee is just fine by me!
#4 - Ways To Boost Creativity - Greatest.com
This is more a page rather then the website itself. But the page has some good ideas just the same. The website itself has some useful ideas that you may want to checkout.
#5 - Braingle
If you're into brain teasers, puzzles, trivia, etc., you will really like this website. It's free to sign up.
#6 - CreativityForLife.com
Hey, this one has the word right in its website address. So it's got to be good, right? It's a well laid out site with a good design and some good ideas for creativity. Don't forget to sign up for their Creativity Booster Pack!
#7 - Nine of the Best Ways to Boost Creative Thinking - Lifehacker.com
This one, like an earlier one, is a page more than the website itself. Although Lifehacker.com is a pretty famous site so it would be difficult to imagine that you couldn't spark a boost from other places on their website.
#8 - Designspiration
If you are in the business of design, or you simply love design concepts, this can be a good resource for you to draw or boost your creativity from. They proclaim to be nudity free so that could be good or bad depending on your perspective. 🙂
#9 - Handle Your Negative Thinking - LibreLiving.com
Negative thinking is one of the biggest creativity killers. This article is short but contains some good tips on how to handle negative thinking. Get past that hurdle and the possibilities are endless.
#10 - Idea Sandbox
This website has a neat retro feel to it which may seem counter intuitive to coming up with new ideas. But sometimes old is new again. They main site seems to be selling marketing services but the blog offers up good (and current) tips.
Hope you enjoyed the list. If you did, would you mind sharing on Social Media? Just use the buttons on the left.
Also, if you have your own creative websites that you use for inspiration, feel free to comment about what they are. But we do ask that you don't spam the comments. They are moderated so spamming us only wastes our time and yours.
This post is part of a series that I intend to update monthly. Admittedly, this is the first update in a while. You Can Find the Previous post here: