3 Biggest Obstacles to Your Online Success
The internet is flooded with advice on how to succeed. Some of it is actually useful. Most of it is fluff to try and get you to buy products or services. But sometimes if we look at the obstacles that we face, and learn how to work around them, this can really help us break through the barriers and make our success a reality.

No Plan In Place
This may seem obvious enough but if you don't have a plan in place you are going to find it very difficult to succeed. This is because you will jump from project-to-project and never truly complete what you need to for success to happen.
With a plan, it is like a roadmap that you follow the steps to get to your destination. This is not to say that plans cannot change, they can. But if you define this roadmap for yourself, you will be less likely to stray from your plan and when you have completed the steps, you will fulfill the necessary steps.

The Wrong Plan in the First Place
This one is a bit tougher because not everyone knows what they need to do to become successful. Having the wrong plan in place is probably just as bad as having no plan in place.
The answer to overcome this is to learn much of what you need about the type of business you are in. People take shortcuts when doing this and that often leads to floundering around. Taking on a mentor can certainly help tremendously here, assuming the mentor is worthy of the title. Care must be taken when choosing a mentor as there are many tricksters that pass themselves off as such.

Allowing Negative Beliefs From Yourself or Others
I belong to a group of entrepreneurs where we help each other solve problems and are there as support for each other. One of the biggest complaints that you'll see from the group is spouses and family members who are against what they are doing, i.e., creating an online business.
The best way to get around this problem is to make sure you have a plan in place, and the right one, and that you work hard on making the business successful. You want to show the family that they were essentially wrong about doubting you.
Why is there often lack of family support for the venture? I believe it has to do with the fact that most of us have been taught as kids that we need to go to college, graduate, and then get a job in the "real world". Perhaps for many of us our parents didn't go to college but they were still expected to get a job.
But the internet has opened up worlds of opportunity that people are just not aware even exists. There is also a lot of scams that people need to be aware of and that too could be cause for family nonacceptance.
When deciding to create your business online, if you start out with the correct steps to take and follow them, the business has a much better chance than if you try whatever the latest-and-greatest techniques passed off by self proclaimed experts. Those experts are not really interested in you succeeding. They are more interested in getting as many people as possible to sign up for their "expert techniques". These are usually techniques that are rehashed ideas or worse, they are ones that no longer work and are trying to bleed as much money out of it as possible.
I can help you get through the obstacles I described to you here in this article. I am looking to help mentor a select number of people. This mentoring program will give you all the steps you need to create an online business as well as the techniques required to get people to your website. Further, you will have a support system in place that can help you when you get discouraged and help get you back on track to succeeding in your online business.
Calling All Motivated Individuals...
I have to be honest though. I can only accept people that are motivated willing to do whatever it takes to make their online business a success. I can give you the guidance but you must take action. But I also know that mentoring programs can be prohibitively expensive. So I have set up a program where you get the mentoring you need without the high cost. In fact, there is no cost to you to get started. But if you are not motivated please don't bother as I don't have time to waste on people that won't bring the A Game to the table.
Here is what you are going to get with the program:
- A complete training program that shows how to look for markets (or niches) that have the best chance of success.
- Two free websites to work on your business. You won't need to worry about the hassles of registering your domain or hosting. It's part of the deal.
- An exact task list that if you follow and implement, will give you a complete working website ready to start making money with
- Methods to drive traffic to your website such that you will have a much greater chance of making money from those websites
- Access to our support network which has thousands of members of experience in many aspects (both technical and business). It will be rare to find someone that doesn't have an answer to your questions.
As you can see, this program includes everything you need to overcome the obstacles described in this article. As part of a special promotion, I am giving free access to this program to a select number of people. So once those people have signed up, we will revert back to the paid memberships. If you are a go getter, then you should sign up soon so you can participate in the program.
Are You Ready To Succeed?
I have written an evaluation of the mentoring program that I want you to read over. Then you can decide if this is right for you or if you want to continue on your current path of jumping around from various programs. But I think the fact that you have gotten this far, leads me to believe that you are one who likes to take action that can help lead you to a successful business. Why not sign up today, then come back here and let me know that you joined up. I'd love to hear from you. Simply use the sign up form below.