Get Paid to Write From Home
Can you get paid to write from home?
How Do I Know?
I get paid to write from home. It is not only possible, it is doable. I should know. It's what I do. And I am going to show you how to do the same thing.
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But you need to agree to some terms right from the start. Otherwise, you are likely to fail in your home writing efforts. These are:
- You understand that writing takes work and you are willing to put in that work.
- In many cases, you will need to promote your writing.
- Writing from home is very competitive.
- It won't be a straight uphill path to income.
- You have to constantly perfect your craft.
These terms may scare some of you away from getting involved with writing. Perhaps that's a good thing. After all, you've no doubt heard from all the self proclaimed gurus online, who claim you can make millions becoming a writer, provided you are willing to hand over a lot of your hard earned cash to learn their "secrets".
If you are still reading this, then you likely have what it takes to be an online writer. Good for you!
So let's get started!
The following are several of the ways you can get paid online to write:
- Create a book and publish on Amazon and other publishing outlets
- Ebooks to be sold on forums and blogs
- Content for your own website
- Content for other peoples' websites
- Scripts for video or slideshows
- Develop a business plan for others
- Write grant proposals
- Create a script for crowd sourcing
- Transcribe videos or podcasts
- Ghost write a book for other authors
- Write reviews for books, movies, restaurants, etc.
- Online dating profiles
This list is by no means exhaustive. In fact, at the end of this article I will include places for you to go where you can find more listings.
My Writing Background
I have written 10 books since the time of this writing and published them on various publishing outlets. Remember that Amazon is not the only place to publish. There are easily thousands of places where you can have your work published. I will get into more about this later.
Books aren't the only means of publishing. I also am an writer/editor for a magazine that I created called Better Content. It helps people that are responsible for the creation of content do it better. This is a monthly magazine and includes a free trial. I would encourage you to check it out.
I create content for my own websites as well as for others. I don't just write blog posts anymore. I create videos, presentations, audios, etc. This will expand the reach of your content in unbelievable ways. Think of it this way, if you created a video for each blog post that you write and you distribute your blog post on 20 sites, follow that up with 20 video sharing sites and you've doubled the distribution of your content.
Don't Settle for Pennies When Writing
We are taught that we have to start at the bottom for any venture that we set out to do. Therefore, many new writers mistakenly believe that they have to settle for low paying writing jobs. The trouble is, when you do that you will be placed in that category for quite some time. It will also be very difficult to make money when you do this. Over time, you will get frustrated by the huge time investment that you will put into the writing, only to make five dollars for any piece that you produce.
Often, people get stuck doing this simply because they are not aware that high paying writing gigs exist. Now, I am not telling to you set your expectations at making $300 per article when you first start out. But certainly at least $15 or $20 per article is obtainable and perhaps even more. The good news is once you have that level of pay scale and you produce good work, you will be in demand and can ask for more money.
Other Resources for Getting Paid From Home to Write
Much has been written with respect to making money writing online. Instead of just simply rehashing this information, I have included links to those other resources. That is what the web is all about anyway. It's one big giant collaborative engine and people tend to learn the most when that collaboration occurs.
How to Make Money Writing Articles
The resources listed here go along with the whole don't settle philosophy when it comes to rates. As a bonus, the article includes a link on others ways to make money online. (more...)
How to Make $225 an Hour Writing Poetry
This is more of a case study rather than a how to. But it's an interesting read just the same. Extrapolating how they did it can help budding poets do the same. (more...)
50+ Ways to Make Money as a Writer
This is a pretty extensive list. Several are ideas that you may not have thought would ever pay to write. But sometimes thinking outside the box as a writer is required in order to make gains in the field. (more...)
Make Money Writing Product Reviews
This article gives information about how you can use your website to write product reviews which in turn can make you money by implementing affiliate links within.I was a bit surprised that the author didn't include Amazon as a source for affiliate links as they have a pretty extensive selection of products. (more...)
If you are unfamiliar with affiliate programs, you should sign up for my 10 module course below. Don't worry, it's free and no credit card is need to sign up so you want have to worry about cancelling.
Make Money Writing (By Joining InfoBarrel)
This article describes how the resource InfoBarrel can be used to generate income over time. As you will read from this, you should expect it to take a long time before any substantial income is generated. Also, be aware that rules can change on any of these revenue sharing websites to the point where you were making money and then all of a sudden it dries up. Consider the website
Still, it could be worth it to get some articles written on InfoBarrel and other revenue sharing websites like HubPages.(more...)
How to Make Money Freelancing in 30 Days or Less
Some decent tips on how to set up your freelance writing business. It seems more of a review for a course but I did find the information within the article itself to have some useful tidbits. (more...)
There are plenty of resources for those that want to get paid to write from home as you can see from the resource that I have listed as well as the links that I have included. The amount of money you make will depend upon many things, including your willingness to take action and start making it happen. It's a long term commitment but also can be started part time and then scale up as you succeed.
What if you're not a writer? can you still make money online?
I will give you access to 10 free lessons (no credit card needed) that will show you the exact methods I use to generate income from tasks that you already know how to do and enjoy doing. It is only going to be free for a limited time, so be sure to join in this revolutionary training before they start charging.