Automated Blog Software: A Thing Of The Past?

It’s appealing for blog owners to input a series of keywords into a program and have the program draw content from the web.  But is automated blog software really a good idea?

Temptation Is Great

Automated Blog PostingIt truly is tempting to be able to save yourself hours of drumming up new software by replacing it with software that automates the entire process. But you have to really evaluate whether the content that is auto created is worth the time savings. I have tried automated blog software in the past and none of them ever measured up.

I get the motivation behind the craze. It takes effort to create blog posts or if you are outsourcing it will cost you money. Why not save time and money but having a piece of software do all the dirty work for you? But the problem is that you are not giving your readers the value that they deserve. Why should they even visit your site, if they can find the original somewhere else? And Google’s search algorithms are now smart enough to determine which version came first. They will accordingly give the better positioning to the original. They may even ding your site with a penalty if there’s too much of the page that was copied.

Citations Are Safe

I am not talking about the short citations that people reference in order to make their point or to gain credibility with readers. Sometimes it’s necessary to cite these references and readers will appreciate that. But auto blog posting software doesn’t do that. It simply grabs major segments of other people’s writing and blasts it onto your website.

What About Spinning?

It’s true that some of these automation software tools have built in content spinners that can make it so the content is no longer duplicate. But ask yourself honestly if you have ever seen any spinner that truly did a good job at spinning such that readers would still find it valuable content. I have yet to see it. Besides, unless you’re willing to proof read all of the spun content, what’s the point? You may as well just rewrite it into something useful.

With Practice, You Can Crank Out Quality Content Quickly

As with anything else in life, when you practice doing anything you are bound to get better at it and writing is no different. After a while, you will be able to crank out some create writing pieces for your blog and it shouldn’t take you much more than 15 minutes or so to do it. It will be readable, well liked, and actually has a great chance of ranking in the search engines when done properly. But it will require you to learn the right way to do that. You can get all the instruction you need that shows you how to create a blog and how to create worthy content that serves to help your readers out.


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