
Category Archives for "Get Paid Series"

Get Paid To Guest Blog

It is necessary to realize that recently Google has announced that it is going to crack down on those that use guest posting for the sole purpose of gaining favor with the search engines.  They are not killing guest blogging in general.  But as usual blog owners are in a state of panic. This could […]

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Get Paid To Travel

If you love to travel, this is going to be the most important and exciting article you have read regarding your travel endeavors. You see, there are ways to get paid to travel or at the very least, have others pay all your travel expenses.​​ Who Pays?There are many companies that will pay including hotels, […]

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Get Paid To Shop

Like to Shop?Want to Get Paid For It?​Retailers like to make sure that their workers and branches are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  They also want to know whether customers are getting treated write.  There are services that will hire people to go to a particular retail outlet and make a purchase […]

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Get Paid For Blogging

Whenever I let people in on this little gem, they are amazed that it’s even possible, i.e., that someone can get paid for blogging.  But it’s true.  There are several ways in which this can be implemented.  But lately there are some “murky waters” with regards to this subject.  So care is needed before implementing.Services […]

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