Get Paid For Junk

There are plenty of options including the traditional garage/yard sales.  Each have their advantages and disadvantages that will be explored in this article.

The key is to use this guide and do some research and you will be well on your way to make some decent cash from the stuff you have lying around in your basement, garage, attick, or even your closet.

Remember that in most cases prices are negotiable and where applicable bring cash.  A classic trick is to name a price due to the fact that it is "all the cash" that you have.  Sellers love cash so the are usually willing to make the deal.​

We've all heard the phrase, "one man's junk is another man's treasure" so it would seem like it's fairly easy to get paid for junk.  But before you hit that sell button, you want to explore as many options as possible so you can get the price for you stuff.

Click on each of the following for more information about the channels available to sell your stuff.



Craigslist & Classified Ad Sites

Consignment & Pawn Shops

Yard/Garage Sales

Trade Ins

Be Honest About The Products

Word gets out pretty fast if you are not honest about the stuff you sell online.  And that word can ripple through a whole bunch of places you'd never think it could get.  Plus, often a state attorney is notified if something isn't right about a product, especially if it was advertised as something that it isn't.  These are tremendous reasons to be up front and honest about the products you are selling.  No one is expecting used goods to be in new-in-box condition.  But if there are some scratches or other types of blemishes, you need to make sure the buyers are aware of that.

Research Your Products

Because condition of products varies greatly you want to search various websites for products that were near or close to the condition that your products are in.  This is important because you need to know how much you are going to sell your products for.  If you overprice them, ​you are going to be wasting a lot of time and potential fees for listing, advertising, lost sales, etc.

Good Customer Service is Key

Perhaps you think that just because you are selling one or two items that you don't have to worry about catering too much to the people that buy.  But what if you have more products that you want to sell down the road?  If your customer service is bad, you will get negative feedback at the outlets you sold at.  This is essentially burning bridges and they are tough to build back.

Great customer service ​is rare these days so if you are the one person that practices it, you will see that customers will truly appreciate it.  And in doing so you build up a reputation which means that they will have little doubt about dealing with you again in the future.  You build trust and that is one of the best assets to have as a seller!

Offer Discounts For Bundles

Large retailers do this all the time.  They throw in two or three different products as part of another, usually related in some way.  Then they add the price of all the products together and discount the package.  This is a great way to sell your used items quickly.  Sometimes the discount doesn't even have to be that large.  Just the idea that the customer is getting a deal can often be enough to get the sale.

Consider Discounts and Coupons

You can set up some kind of method of offering a coupon or other type of discount.  Then you can announce this on forums and blogs.  Sometimes, sites dedicated to offering coupons can pick up your deals.  You could also try to contact those coupon companies directly.  Implementing a coupon method can be a simple as creating another page on your blog that you redirect the coupon seeking customer.  Even if others get to it without entering the coupon is okay because you still get the sale.


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