How To Solve Your Money Problems
In case you haven't noticed, life has gotten more expensive. And a whole lot more uncertain too! With many companies downsizing and outsourcing, and raises or bonuses a thing of the past, money has been getting pretty tight for a lot of people. Use these tips to show you how to solve your money problems.
Working in a job these days just doesn't cut it anymore. There are simply too many obstacles for workers to be able to keep up with the cost of living. But there is one vehicle that we can use that has never existed before: the internet. Essentially, we can use the internet to create our own wealth generation.
First Steps
The first steps in creating your wealth engine is to figure out what you are good at. What are your hobbies? What do people come to you to answer questions for? Are you the Go To Person? But you can also add to the list things that you have always wanted to learn about but never got around to it.
After that is done, go through the list and find websites that are similar to those fields. Are there a lot of them and are they major companies like Amazon or BestBuy, etc?

Is It Too Competitive?
Don't worry I am going to introduce you to methods that can show you how to figure out how to choose markets later. For now, there are ways to narrow the focus of your market (known as a niche) that can help you. You want to think about areas within your market that people are are looking for answers. A great way to do this is to take a look at some blogs and forums in your niche. When people are looking for solutions they often hit those up.
Matching Solution With Problems
After you know what your potential market is looking for, it's simply a matter of creating content that solves the problems. This is a classic but effective way of matching supply and demand.
Of course, learning how to write content properly takes some practice and instruction. People often get this wrong. They don't know how to structure their content such that it can be retrieved when people search in the search engines. But this can be learned and I will show you how to handle all of that later.
Passive Income
When you create an online business for yourself it will take some work to get it making money. But once it does make money for you, with the exception of some routine maintenance, your website can often be the source for income for years to come. And because it's generating consistenly, you can think of this as a passive income source.
However, it's only fair to state that there may be times when the income fluctuates. This often occurs due to seasonal influences. But they often just require waiting it out. But if that doesn't work, you simply continue to create content until it is back to making money for you.
My Plan For You
I want to help you take it upon yourself to solve your money problems. It doesn't seem very likely that corporations and other companies are going to change in a way that will get us earning a decent living anytime soon. So it's up to us to do it. But there are steps you'll need to take which I am going to go over now.
- Obtain a Website (Free)
- Find out where to host this website (free)
- Create a WordPress installation on the website (more about this later)
- Create the basic framework for your website. This is important because you want to make sure it's compliant!
- Learn how to generate content that will bring visitors to your website
- Start a monetization strategy for your website. This is how you will start making money.
- Continue writing great content so that more visitors come to your website.
Obtain a Website
Cost: $0
You're going to eventually need a domain name. I have a great way for you to get that and best of all it's free. Here is a module that I write on "How To build a Free Website Today". (It will open in another browser window so you won't have to hit the back button.) Of course, you could choose to get a domain name from GoDaddy and Namecheap but why pay money when you are first starting out? This is a great free way to get going with no cost.
Find Hosting for Website
Cost: $0
Once you have obtained your website, you'll need a place to host it. Typically you would have to shell $4 to $5 dollars each month. But here is the good news. The same place where you got the website domain name (above) offers free hosting for your website. So that is one less thing you have to worry about. By making these items easier on you, this will give you more time to focus on creating and managing your website.
Setup WordPress
Cost: $0
People actually pay WordPress designers hundreds of dollars to do this but we handle it for free. Once you register your website and hosting, we create the WordPress installation.
If you are not familiar with WordPress, this is a Content Management System (CMS) that makes it very easy for non technical person to add content and has some great and easy ways to spruce up the website.
Website Framework
Cost: $0
This is training to show you how to properly set up the basic structure of your website, such that it is compliant with the search engines. We also give you techniques to keep spammers away from bombarded your website with Spam and other such nonsense. You will actually have to create the framework yourself but that's what the training is all about. Besides, it's not difficult to do.
Generate Content
Cost: $0
We also train you how to start creating content in such a way as to increase traffic to your website. This is perhaps the most crucial training you will learn when creating your online business. When you learn to get this right you have the mechanism for bringing people to your website. Traffic to your website is the first step in getting them to pay you.
Word of Warning! Get this wrong and you can actually end up hurting your website. More people do this wrong than right so please take the time to properly learn how to do this. It's not hard, it just takes some time to learn.
Making Money from Your Website
Cost: $0
Many people rush into this and it ends up hurting their rankings. We don't introduce you to how to make money until you actually learn how to build your framework and start generating traffic through your content creation efforts. But eventually, you will learn how and incorporate that into your website so that coupled with getting traffic, you will start earning money.
There are various mechanisms to accomplishing this but one of the better approaches is to incorporate affiliate marketing. That's too big a subject to get into here but you will learn all about it in the training.
Continue Creating Great Content
Cost: $0
If you commit to two to three articles a week (many members do much more) you will find that your traffic is going to increase pretty steadily. This happens time and again with members and it's amazing to see.
If you are worried that you are not a good writer, remember that most members start out that way as well. And many of our veteran members can crank quality articles out in about 15-20 minutes. It does take practice but it's worth it to increase your finances and become less dependent on your job to bring in the necessary cash.
Total Cost: $0
Let me ask you - when was the last time you heard of someone being able to start a business for $0? I know I hadn't when I first started. But you are probably thinking there's got to be some kind of catch, right? Nope! Nothing - no catch! The website is free, the hosting is free, the training to get your framework created is free and training on how to generate content and money strategy is all free. There is some advanced training that you can decide you want to take advantage later but absolutely no obligation to do so. Just so you know, there are members that never go for the advance training. But many end up doing it because it is very comprehensive.
What I would suggest you do, is quickly obtain the domain that you want as anyone can come along and get it before you do if they put the same one in.
One Last Order of Business...
I want you to succeed in this. I want you to be able to be financially comfortable. I truly believe that anyone that is willing to put a little time (but no cost) can make a success out of this. But if you get stuck at any point, I want you to come back here and leave me a comment. Or you can simply reach out to me in my member's profile and ask any question you like.
To Your Success,