Best Way to Make Money Online with Yahoo Answers
Maybe you use Quora to find out what questions people are asking. This is a great resource. But, did you know that Yahoo Answers may be just as useful? I'll describe an article that shows the best way to make money online with Yahoo Answers, although I do have a bit of a caveat with that when you read about it.
In this article, I'll discuss an article I found that shows how Yahoo Answers can be used to generate significant traffic to your website.
The article also discusses several other resources I found that may help you with your marketing efforts.

Marketing Developments for the Week of January 18, 2020
Big data is prevalent in several industries, including marketing. I have found severals with it as the core topic. This topic is part of how you can drive traffic to your website with Yahoo Answers (more on this later).
Other Topics of Interest (several related to Big Data)
Video marketing is a hot topic. You probably already know it's an aspect of marketing that is growing. But, if you aren't using it yet, perhaps the article I included will convince you.
Search Engine Land
User Intent - I've been seeing a lot popup on this topic. Apparently, marketers believe that Google is going to beef up its search engine algorithms to check for this. However, an article in Search Engine Land is not completely sold.
This is not to say the topic isn't important. It's just that keyword research isn't going away. Do try to incorporate user intent a bit more as you'll read in the article.
Business 2 Community
Improving Your Video Marketing - if you've been putting off the creation of marketing videos, it's time to reverse that. Too many people who are using the web are viewing videos. That means, if you don't publish, you don't have access to those people.
Most people put off creating videos because it's too hard to produce quality videos. At least, it used to be, before this resource became available. The video that you see above was made with it.
Honestly, the excuses for why bloggers aren't creating videos are simply not relevant anymore. You can even take a PowerPoint slide and add some text onto slides. Then, save the presentation as a video and upload it to YouTube. You can embed that video onto your website.
How to Do Keyword Research for SEO - this is a decent article on keyword research. Lately, my searches on the topic haven't yielded results that are worthy of inclusion.
What stands out with this article is the coverage of Rank Brain. This is a concept that every blogger or marketer should gain an understanding. It's not that it's difficult. It's just that most people aren't familiar with the term.
Big Data in Marketing - a Forbes article discusses the past, present, and possible future of big data and how it relates to marketing.
The video points out about the 2025 prediction from the article. Take a look, and you'll see that it is a significant statistic.
Do You Know the Marketing Skills You'll Need? If you don't, this article will help you with some. It should come as no surprise that data science in some for will be important.
This could mean learning a bit of coding. But, don't worry. There are many tutorials, and you don't have to become an expert. Check out this article to see more about what skills you should learn.
Marketing Tech News
Data Analytics and Marketing - one area that is expected to grow substantially in 2020 is the use of data analtyics in marketing. Tools will likely emerge that will combine sources from different data stores. You'll need more than Google Analytics, although that will be part of the mix.
Audience Targeting - just the name alone should tell you how important this item is for marketers. If you cannot target your audience, you'll be shooting in the dark. Makes sense, no?
The HubSpot article explains the concept, but also discusses why it's important. If nothing else, the article should plant some seeds in your brain that you need to handle this sooner than later.
Smart Data Collective
Combing Big Data with Yahoo Answers for Traffic - I probably built this one a bit too much in the video, but I stand by the production. Here is where the caveat that I specified comes into play. I don't feel as though the author did the big data aspect of the article justice.
I feel as though the author either doesn't understand what big data is, or he is using it as a way to draw attention to his article, i.e., he's using as a buzzword.
Why I still felt the article is relevant, though, is that not too many people are using Yahoo Answers as much as they used to. But, they are still using it. That means you can use it as an opportunity for exposure to your brand. The Smart Data Collective aricle does offer useful tips on how to approach the platform, irrespective of whether the data is "big" or not.
The list of resources are by no means extensive. In fact, it's rather tiny. But, these are websites that are helpful and hopefully you have found a few of them useful.
I'd love to hear from you in the comments below (or on the YouTube channel). Feel free to share this here and on YouTube.