Can Those “Get Paid To” Programs Make You Money?

Get Paid To Click...
Get Paid To View Videos...
Get Paid to Take Pictures...
Get Paid To Read Emails...
And so on...
If you've spent any amount of time on the internet than you've no doubt seen advertising touting how you can get paid to perform all kinds of tasks online. The ones listed above are just a few of the types of programs that are out there. But many people often wonder, can these programs really work? That is the subject of this article.
As an example, I am going to use a very popular program called SwagBucks allows you to earn by shopping (cash back), searching, viewing videos, playing games, answering questions, as well as other ways. The true question is how much do get for those activities and can you actually make money from them?
In the short term, you won't make much. Most of these programs reward you points when you perform the activities. Many the activity is to view advertising and that is how these companies get paid and how they can pay you. The points usually have a redeem value. In the case of SwagBucks that value is 500 points = $5. And trust me it'll take you a bit of time to get to that 500 points.
The points that offer the most are the ones that require you to sign up and purchase a membership. They have pretty good payouts but you will have to buy something in return in order to get those higher payouts. The free offers tend to be much lower point awards and you often have to view ads for a number of seconds before being awarded the points.
As an aside, I am not picking on SwagBucks. I am just using them as an example. Most programs operate in a very similar fashion and they tend to be one of the better companies in terms of reputation, etc.
The Verdict: Can You Make Money?
People do make some money with these types of programs but it won't make them wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. And they will spend a good chunk of their day viewing ads for some measly points. So does this mean that they are not worthwhile at all?
Actually, the key to making any kind of money in them is to sign up for many of them and participate in the free offers across the board. But the real value comes when you can recruit several thousands of people that will be active on the programs. When that happens you are getting money for nothing. Of course that depends on the activity level of the people you recruit. That why it's important to get many others to sign up under you. It's a numbers game. But you get a percentage of their activity so this can certainly add up pretty quickly with many active members. Spread that across many of these types of programs and you can actually make some decent money. Getting active people to sign up is the tricky part, however.
Overall, these types of programs have their uses but you will need to approach them in the right was (as described in this article) in order for them to make you any significant cash. They can be a good way to earn a little extra casual money but again, no one's retiring from these programs.
A List of Get Paid To Programs
I have compiled a list of several of the better Get Paid To... programs that you can access here. Remember, the guy in being successful with them is to join many of them and refer lots of people.
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