Friday Fives for 2021-03-12
Today, we welcome you to our fourth edition of Friday Fives. To help you find great resources to help your online business, we have started this series of posts. On Fridays of each week, we'll profile five authoritative resources. These can be blog posts, videos, PDFs, slideshows, Books and eBooks, plus others.
Before getting started, here are the past editions of the series:
Here is a summary of the five resources for this week:

As is with all these weeks, we'll include both a blog post and a video.
Here is a video shows a brief description of each of the resources:
To access this video on YouTube:
Need Ideas for Your Videos?
Videos are a necessary part of online business these days. But coming up with a consistent flow of ideas for videos is challenging. That is, until you receive 100 ideas to use!
Design Wizard has publized a great article on how to generate ideas for your videos.
These ideas should keep you busy for a while. And even after you've gone through them all, you start over and read the list again. It should generate some different ideas when you look at them in a different way.
Is Shopify the Only Choice for Ecommerce?
Shopify is one of the biggest companies for providing ecommerce services. The reason is they offer a great service. But they aren't the only game in town. Learn more about other choices.
When you have several choices to choose from, you have a better chance of getting what you need at a price you can afford. Competition is a great motivator for companies.
What Will Looking for a Job Be Like in 2021?
The pandemic has transformed our lives. That is one fact no one can deny. Due to this, you'll likely see quite a few changes to how we search for jobs this year.
Even if you aren't in the market for a new job, it's helpful to know the changes. You never know when you'll be in a position to look for work. Companies can use this information to set expectations for employees, too.
Improve Your Customer Service
Are you familiar with how to talk to customers? It's something that most companies are not very good at doing. Big companies probably offer training to their employees. This training isn't often available to smaller businesses, though.
Groove IQ wrote a great article on how to talk to customers. This can be used by any business to improve the process of talking to customers. After all, when you get this right, customers will love your company.
Mistakes when Choosing
Affiliate Programs
Knowing what not to do is often as important as knowing what to do. When choosing affiliate programs, there are three mistakes that many affiliates make, usually because they don't know any better.
Once you learn what these mistakes are, you'll be in a great position never to make them. That can help increase your sales and give your business an advantage over your competitors.
That wraps up yet another week of Friday Fives. We hope you enjoy these resources. We plan on continuing this series for several months into the future.
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