Friday Fives – February 19 2021
Welcome to the second edition of Friday Fives. In today's edition, we'll explore five resources that deal with YouTube subcribers (2 of the resources), Google Analytics 4, starting an affiliate program for your business, and how to improve your PPC campaigns.

If you are not familiar with this new series from Get Paid Boot Camp, you can view the debut edition.
Resource #1 - Google Analytics Version 4 - Here We Go Again
Google has done it again. We were just getting used to Universal Analytics when they published a major update. Our first resource from Measurement Marketing, suggests taking it slow. There's no need to try and learn it all at once.
They do mention that it is worth learning due to the functionality that version 4 provides. Stick with what you have and incorporate the new features as you go.
Resource #2 - Start Your Own Affiliate Program
If you have been with us for any length of time, you know how much we love the affiliate business model. It's simple in concept and does not require a lot of overhead.
But usually, we speak of it in terms of finding vendors to sell their products. What if you wanted to start your own affiliate program and have others sell your products or services? That's a whole different animal.
It has become easy to do, though. That is the subject of this second resource, and appropriately, is a resource on our website. But we feel you'll learn a lot about how to get started with creating your program.
Resource #3 - What to Know When Buying YouTube Subscribers - Spoiler Alert - Don't Do It!
There are plenty of offers online of companies offering YouTube subscribers for a fee or exchange of views. It seems tempting, too. When people start subscribing to your YouTube channel, the YouTube algorithm takes notice and theoretically, you'll get more traction from this.
While this may work initially, the Google/YouTube tracking algorithms are programmed to detect these types of tactics, and they run against the terms of service of YouTube. Guess what that means? It means you have a good chance of having your YouTube channel banned.
Read why this is and hopefully, it will be enough to convince you to steer clear of these tactics. Don't worry, though. Our next resource will help you learn what to do instead, to help you gain legitimate subscribers.
Resource #4 - How to Get Subscribers to Your YouTube Channel
As mentioned, we found a great resource that will help you build your subscribers organically. That will lower your risk of getting banned significantly. In fact, as long as you stay within YouTube's terms of service, you should never have a problem with getting banned.
If, for some unlikely reason, you did get banned, if you stayed within YouTube's terms of service, getting reinstated becomes a lot easier.
Resource #5 - How Are Your PPC Campaigns Doing? This Can Help!
PPC is not for the timid. Anyone who has tried it knows it can bleed a marketing budget in no time flat. It would be okay if the results of the campaign were good. But often, that is not the case, unfortunately.
The good news is honing your PPC campaigns so that you make money is possible. This resource will show you how. The folks at Marketing Land have analyzed what worked in 2020, and have created lessons on what to do for 2021.
This week, we discussed a few ideas and included resources that can help improve your PPC, can get you started on affiliate marketing, and learn what to do (and not do) to gain subscribers to your YouTube channels. To top everything off, you now have a new tool for measuring your results, using Google Analytics 4.
Happy Marketing!