Let 2015 Be Your Year to Finally Get Paid

More people than ever are generating incomes online. They are doing this by creating assets (websites, blogs, books, eBooks, videos, etc.) that are capable of producing money. Often, these assets produce income passively (create once and earn indefinitely). Don't believe it? Just take a look at eBay and Amazon.
So ask yourself this: why can't 2015 be your year to create your own online assets that have the potential to earn you income? Why not use the internet instead of your job to get paid? Or at least use the internet to supplement your income.
Others have done it and continue to do so. I am doing it and I can help you do the same.
Get Paid Boot Camp is all about providing resources needed to earn healthy incomes online.
What do you need to do?
I'd like to suggest a plan for you. You don't have to follow it if you don't want to. But it's a plan that I know works and can work for you should you decide to implement it. The plan is to create an online business using a website and learning how to implement it correctly. It's fine if you have never done it before because I have included resources (training) to help you get it done.
I have simplified the process of creating an online business into six (6) steps:
- Step 1 - Find Your Topic
- Step 2 - Define Your Mission Statement (or the Mission Statement of Your Website)
- Step 3 - Find Several Keywords Based on Your Topic/Niche
- Step 4 - Start Generating Content
- Step 5 - Get Involved with Online Communities Related to Your Niche
- Step 6 - Choose How You Are Going to Make Money With Your Website
Step 1 - Find Your Topic
Your topic is going to be the focus of your website. It will be the underlying theme that identifies you or your product as the brand (yes, you can be a brand). Many also refer to the topic as a niche (pronounced nitch or neesh - both are correct). A niche is a subdivision of a broader market. Some people can make the broader market profitable but it is very difficult. That's why it's important to focus on a subdivision.
Example of a Niche
The term "flowers" would be considered a broad market. If you typed the phrase "flowers" into your favorite search engine, you would indeed see just how competitive that phrase is. In the resource section below, I will point you to where you can find free training on how to select a niche (among other things).
Now getting back to our flowers example. Narrowing the focus will get us closer to a niche that has the capability of making money. How can I be sure of this? Well, you can't be 100% sure of anything. Even seemingly good niches may not work. But they definitely have a better chance than the broader market.
To narrow the focus, think of a specific type of flower like roses. Now roses on their own is probably going to be still too broad which means it will have too much competition. So the idea is to add some qualifying words both before and after the word rose or roses and that can help narrow the focus further.
Here are some examples of narrowing the focus:
"red roses in spring"
"red roses for weddings"
"white roses for graduation"
"roses for a rose garden"
"winter roses for christmas"
You get the general idea.
Your Subtopics May Still Be Too Broadly Defined
Even after going through this exercise, you may find that the expanded phrases (often referred to as long-tail keywords) are still too competitive to make work. Going through this exercise can help you figure out whether to pursue a particular niche or not. If it turns out the focus is too narrow such that there is no interest, the niche can be a dead end. But it's better to figure that out through some basic analysis rather than create an entire business only to find out it's not going to work!
This is a crucial part of the process so do go through the motions. This ensures that there is demand for the niche and determines how competitive it is. Don't worry about the dynamics of how to do that. As I stated, the training in the resources section will give you the tools needed.
Step 2 - Define Your Mission Statement
Have you ever visited a website on a particular subject you are interested in, only to find topics that are completely irrelevant? For example, say you were looking for information about dog training and came across a website that is supposed to be about dog training. What you actually find however, is an article about the author's kid in his first soccer game. It may be a nice article but it really doesn't belong on a website about dog training.
This kind of stuff happens all the time. For your niche, the focus should be on the topic that makes sense given the nature of the website. In other words, come up with a mission statement for your website. What is the purpose of your website? This is an important step because you can test the content that you write against your mission statement. Is the content inline with the mission statement? If not, scrap the content.
Is it Ever Okay to Go Off Topic?
Can you ever go off topic on your niche? Sure. But don't do it too often and make sure you explain to your readers the reasons why you are doing so. The more you keep your niche focused on your mission statement, the more your readers will appreciate it. This is how authority websites are created. And it is highly likely that when your website becomes an authority, search engines will reward you with higher rankings - which means more quality traffic.
Step 3 - Find Several Keywords Based on Your Niche
Coming up with several keyword phrases based on your topic is going to allow you to keep your content tightly focused and centered around your mission statement. Doing this ahead of time before writing your content gives you the fuel you need to keep the content-creation engine rolling.
Contrast this to what most people do and that is they try to create content on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. This usually does not work for them because they struggle to find subtopics to write about. This is one of the main causes of writer's block. Having predefined ideas before creating your content is going to help you overcome this problem.
I am by no means trying to dictate how you should create your content. If you are disciplined enough to create content consistently without using the methods I suggest, then go for it - all the more power to you. I just know people get stuck and this is usually a great way to get unstuck!
No matter which way you choose to proceed when creating your content, just make sure that you are consistent about it. If you choose to create content daily or every other day, for instance, then you should stick to that schedule. If you find that is too demanding then shoot for once per week. You can create content once a month but that can hurt you a bit as readers may be expecting a higher frequency of posts on your website. Infrequent posting is the leading cause of readers forgetting about a website.
Creating content once a month consistently is still better than creating haphazard posts whenever the mood strikes!
Step 4 - Start Generating the Content
By creating a list of keywords that are relevant to your mission statement or website topic, you can revert back to that list and use it as the basis for your content creation.
Keywords and keyword phrases mean the same thing within the context of this article!
How you create your content is a personal matter. If you want to create several articles at once and then schedule them in your Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, then that is how you should go about it. If you'd rather create it daily and post it as you go, then that is fine too. Just make sure you commit to doing that. Personally, I think creating several posts in one sitting and scheduling them ensures that the consistency (and frequency) requirements are met. Try one way and if it is not working then switch it out.
Step 5 - Get Involved with Online Communities Related to Your Niche
The web is all about collaboration. It evolves alongside its participants. If you think you can simply create a blog and billions of people are going to suddenly flood your website and make you an instant billionaire, you are setting yourself up for a major disappointment. By interacting with online forums, communities, bloggers, groups, and other platforms, you will start to gain a following of people. It is much easier to suggest to people you know to visit your website (especially if it is relevant to the forum topic) than it is to try and get unknown readers to visit your site.
It's really important that your interactions on these various web platforms are engaging and that you are adding value in the process. You want to become the "Go To Person" for the various topics that are introduced in these platforms. The more you are seen as being helpful and authoritative, the more people will notice and will flock to you. It will be a natural extension for them to head on over to your website based on your recommendation to do that.
In fact, they will almost expect you to have an awesome website at that point in time and may even ask you what is your website address.
Step 6 - Choose How You're Going To Make Money with Your Website
Notice how this is the last item in the list - this is deliberate! You should never focus solely on the money aspect. That's a mistake I see many people make. They put up a whole bunch of banners and expect to be rolling in the riches a week later. Readers see right through it. You should put yourself out as an expert in your niche and then let people start coming to you. Once that happens, then you can start to incorporate money making items. People that trust you will buy from you much easier than unknown readers.
There are many ways to set up your website to start making money. One of the easiest is to incorporate affiliate sales. If you are not familiar with what that is, it's simply a business model where companies (vendors) pay you when readers purchase vendor products using links or banners that are contained within your website. These links contain a code that identifies them as belonging to your website. This is known as an affiliate id.
Why This One of the Easiest Business Models
The following are reasons why the affiliate model is one of the easiest to implement:
- There is no inventory to purchase and store
- Order processing is handled by the vendor
- Ecommerce software is not needed to implement using this model
- There are many ways to drive traffic to your webpages that contain affiliate links
Although it's an easy business model to implement there are some techniques that you'll need to learn to set everything up the right way. The resources below can help you with getting your business up and running with the potential to start earning money from it.
How to Succeed Online (Must Read!)