Take the Just Beam It Challenge

Just Beam It (JustBeamIt.com) is a great (and fast) service that allows you to send up a file to their server, create a link. This link allows for one download. Whenever the file is downloaded, it goes away on the server. So it's a one time hit.
But it got me to thinking, why not come up with a challenge to give readers a chance to obtain a really useful report if they are the first to grab the report? I figured let's put some fun into it.
The Report
The report of for grabs is called, "Why Most People Don't Make Money". It's a great guide on the biggest reasons why people don't make money and what you can do to prevent it with steps to take that can actually make you money.
Let the Games Begin
Directions: Be the first to grab the report from any of these links. READY. SET. GO!
Link 1: http://www.justbeamit.com/wuxz8
Link 2: http://www.justbeamit.com/5ysem
Link 3: http://www.justbeamit.com/ehshs
Link 4: http://www.justbeamit.com/vh7zk
Link 5: http://www.justbeamit.com/73ut6
Rules of the Game
The only rule is you have to be the first to get the file. That's it. In other words, if you get to the website and see that there is no file, that means someone else got it.
Getting the Report Without Playing
Hey this is all just for fun. So if you'd like the report and don't want to play the game, or you missed out on the report, you can get it by filling in the form below. Use the Download button below.